For the ‘Bewuste Visweek’ (Sustainable Seafood Week) in September 2023, we measured Dutch consumer attitudes towards eating fish and sustainability.
Our approach:
We surveyed 1000 Dutch consumers on their habits of buying and eating fish have been influenced by the increased attention to sustainable eating. Next to that, we also addressed knowledge about the healthiness and sustainability of fish (particularly compared to meat and plant-based eating).
Findings in a nutshell:
Two thirds of Dutch consumers consider fish to be part of part of a sustainable diet (65%), whereas the same is thought about meat by only four in ten (39%).
About a third of consumers also tries to replace meat by fish more often, in connection to sustainability. This proves difficult for just under a third of people (30%).
At the same time, there is also a positive trend in fish consumption: just over a quarter (27%) say they eat fish more often than a year ago. The driving motivation for this is increased awareness of the healthiness of eating fish (62%), followed by perception of fish as a sustainable food choice (35%).
Find out more:
Contact usto find out more about the results, or how we can tailor consumer insights to your product or company.
We believe that understanding consumers is key to making the food system more sustainable. Successful innovation and impactful communication require a solid foundation of consumer insight.
We are the insights partner of choice for food companies and non-profits that aim to have a positive impact on society and our planet. Together we empower consumers to make food choices that are good for them as well as for the planet.
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